
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Class Evaluation Questions, Due September 27

How long have you spent on the homework assignments? Did lecture and the reading prepare you for them? I generally spend about two hours a week on homework assignments, though this latest one (assignment 4) is a bit more difficult. The lectures have helped me prepare for homework, mainly by showing me how to implement the methods shown in the book. The reading is excellent preparation for most of the homework. Also, though you didn't ask, the online decrypting tools have come in handy.

What has contributed most to your learning in this class thus far? Thus far I think that the reading itself has contributed the most to my learning. Lecture is helpful to round out things that I might have found a little difficult in the reading, but homework has mostly been a way to help me assess my understanding and decide what you think is important rather than a learning tool.

What do you think would help you learn more effectively or make the class better for you? I think that the current methods in class are aiding my learning just fine. The only thing I would change right now is the timing of posting reading assignments. I have missed two assignments not because I haven't been reading the book, but because they were posted at some time after I had checked on Friday, and so I did not know they were assigned for Monday. Maybe reading assignments could be posted further in advance?

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